JYU.Wisdom Lunch Colloquium meets every fortnight to discuss various cross-disciplinary sustainability issues. The colloquiums are open to anyone interested in the topic. 12.10.2022 the colloquium arranged a panel discussion in co-operation with BOOST for biodiversity offsets.
The panel discussed what is a biodiversity footprint and how it can be measured in organizations. In addition, the panel pondered on how biodiversity footprints can help make a change in organizations towards nature positive operations. Before the panel discussion there was a short introduction to the topic from Janne Kotiaho, professor of Ecology from the University of Jyväskylä, Director of JYU.Wisdom, Chair of the Finnish Nature Panel and Consortium Lead of BOOST.
See the recording of the event (in English) behind this link: Assessing the Biodiversity Footprints of Organizations — Moniviestin (jyu.fi)
More information about the event and panelists here.